
芝加哥市, 非营利组织, 私人组织正在接受来自企业和非营利组织的拨款申请. 如果您有兴趣发展您的业务,请查看下面的一些机会并开放赠款资金.


The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) has launched 芝加哥非营利性能力建设项目 (NCBP). This program was designed to provide access to curated coaching and education programs for Chicago area nonprofits in an effort to support 非营利组织 gain access to capital, funding, 以及其他资源,以抵消大流行病的影响. 

  • Workshops: Held weekly, workshops provide an opportunity to connect with your peers and subject matter experts to discuss specific organization challenges.

    • 即将到来的事件: 

      • 撰写城市/政府合同的技巧

        • 9月1日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月8日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月15日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月22日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月29日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

      • 合同执行 

        • 9月6日星期三上午11:00(由WBDC主办) 

        • 9月20日星期三上午11:00(由WBDC主办) 

      • 政府、企业、基金会及巨额捐献发展 

        • 9月6日星期三下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月13日星期三下午12:00(由GAGDC主办)

        • 9月20日星期三下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月27日星期三下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

      • Vouchering 

        • 9月13日星期三上午11:00(由WBDC主办)  

        • 9月27日星期三上午11:00(由WBDC主办)  

  • 一对一咨询: 一对一的会议与主题专家谁可以帮助您具体的拨款申请问题. 

有关注册这些机会的支持,请使用 非营利组织能力建设吸收表,请与非营利组织能力建设协调员Julia Riley联系 julia.riley@lrvcc.org



BoardLead是Cause strategic Partners的标志性项目. Their network is designed to help your organization meet talented board members who are passionate about helping you drive your mission forward while also gaining access to governance resources – all at no cost to nonprofits. Reduce friction in your board development process by creating a compelling board member recruitment profile on our BoardLead platform. Represent your nonprofit to corporations and potential board candidates in ways that attract the diversity and depth of talent you seek. 体验一种更快、更容易的方式来吸引和选举杰出的新董事会成员. 他们审查潜在董事会成员的事业一致性和服务意愿, 培训他们为董事会提供有效的服务. 他们还会审查候选人工作的公司,以确保价值观和使命的一致性.

了解更多信息和申请BoardLead网络: http://causestrategypartners.com/boardlead 


第一资本咖啡馆有供非营利组织免费预订的会议室. You can book this free meeting space dedicated for 非营利组织 and student groups directly through their LiquidSpace portal. 这个房间本身最多能容纳八个人. 

如欲预订此座位,请按以下连结: http://liquidspace.com/us/il/chicago/capital-one-chicago/meeting-room-2?StartTime=&ReservationStart =&WorkspaceCapacity =&Amenities=&SpaceTypes = 0&ReservationMethod = 0&SortOrder=0&ReservationLengthMinutes = 60&src = srp # wp-hourly 


Forefront是伊利诺斯州范围内的协会,代表着资助机构和非营利组织, 还有他们的顾问和盟友. 他们的使命是为伊利诺伊州的所有人建立一个充满活力的社会影响部门. 他们提供教育, advocacy, 思想领导, 并促进围绕对其成员和行业重要的问题采取集体行动. 对于一个完整的日历的前沿事件: http://myforefront.org/events/ 


  • 家族基金会的演变- 9月12日(周二)上午9:00 - 10:30

    • 参加9月召开的伊利诺伊州慈善俱乐部. 你对家族基金会了解多少? 你还有什么不知道的?

对于寻求资助的人来说,家族基金会往往难以接近,也不为人所知. Our panelists each steward a family’s generational resources and seek to manifest their philanthropic aims through their service and partnership. They will share with us their own perspectives on the evolution of the sector – both in response to societal and global shifts and crises, 他们的家人想要的结果, 以及他们作为领导者的进化. 带着你的问题来吧!

详情及报名: http://myforefront.org/event/the-evolution-of-family-foundations/ 

  • 周四公共政策:伊利诺伊州财政部长 & 非营利部门:公私合作系列, 第一部分(网络研讨会)-周四, 9月21日上午10:00 - 11:00 

    • Join Forefront for this first in a series of events planned at which we will meet officials representing constitutional offices that have a role in governing and supporting the nonprofit sector in Illinois.

伊利诺斯州财务主管办公室将展示慈善信托赠款计划等关键项目, 明亮的开始, 安全的选择, 无人认领的财产, 及慈善信托顾问委员会, and explain how these programs can support the economic security of nonprofit businesses and clients around the state in practical ways. 学习如何利用这些资源, 申请慈善信托资助的最佳做法, and how the Treasurer’s Office interfaces with other constitutional offices like the Attorney General and Secretary of State in ways that impact our sector.

详情及报名: http://myforefront.org/event/the-illinois-state-treasurer-the-charitable-trust-how-do-they-support-the-nonprofit-sector-webinar/ 



2023年9月21日至22日上午8:30 -下午5:00. IMPACT House,前沿会议室,200w. Madison St., Chicago.

The AFP筹款基础课程 provides new fundraisers—those with up to four years of professional experience—with an intensive introduction into the building blocks of effective practice. 来设计这个16小时的课程, experienced fundraising professionals evolved AFP’s introductory programs to address the real-world needs and challenges non-profit organizations face every day.

这个付费强化课程将提供技能概述, techniques, and program components for individuals with 0-4 years of fundraising experience or a great “back to the basics” for veteran fundraisers.

http://www.afpchicago.org/index.php?选择= com_jevents&任务= icalrepeat.detail&evid=529&Itemid=114&year=2023&month=09&day=21&title = afp-fundamentals-of-fundraising-course&uid = 5 d7d0e856032c42d149687fc09b5603a 


这个项目是为新兴的非营利组织领导者和那些新进入这个领域的人开发的. 内容的目的是在一个灵活的管理主题的广度扩大认识, 在线提供. 向教师和从业者学习,并将这些非营利性管理要点应用到你的职位上. Nonprofit Management Essentials is fully funded by The Allstate Foundation and powered by content from the Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management. 





The 很棒的基础 is an ever-growing worldwide community devoted to forwarding the interest of awesome in the universe. 创造于2009年波士顿漫长炎热的夏日, 基金会分配1美元,000 grants, 无附加条件, 给项目和他们的创造者. 在每个完全独立的章节, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees” and given up front in cash, check, 或者金币. 




我们为你提供两个月的、不含费用的、由创始人为创始人设计的强化培训. Our talented team of researchers and entrepreneurs will provide you with the best evidence-based intervention and help you find a perfect co-founder. 学习慈善基础知识, 比如变化理论, 测量与评价, 成本效益分析, fundraising, 程序设计, 战略规划, 在现实的合作项目中.




C2C连接地方政府, tribes, 电力公司, 并以社区为基础的组织与国家实验室专家定制, 先进的分析,以实现清洁能源系统,反映当地和区域的优先事项.




In 2023, Cook County will award up to $5 million in capacity building grants to community-based organizations serving Cook County residents. 起始整体补助金将提供高达100美元,000 over two years to small organizations looking to build internal capacity and develop their infrastructure to promote organizational health, 增长和可持续性.

赠款机会向不同部门的社区组织开放, 包括艺术及文化, 社区与经济发展, Education, 卫生与公共服务部, 和预防暴力. 要符合资格, 组织必须是非营利组织,年度运营预算在100万美元以下. This initiative goes beyond traditional grants for organizations to deliver services and allows them to focus on strengthening how they run.

For 更多的信息 要查看 过去的信息会话记录,请访问库克县网站. 



如果没有社区组织的领导,就不可能实现对社区的公平投资. That means these organizations need access to funding that is focused solely on the state of the organization rather than its programs and initiatives. The 灵活的资助计划 provides three distinct types of “flexible” dollars to organizations in Black and Latinx neighborhoods.

获得灵活拨款支持, 该组织必须由黑人或拉丁裔领导, 其工作必须与信托基金的“催化社区投资”战略保持一致. 


伊利诺伊州艺术委员会机构-艺术家 & Live Music 


Artstour & Live Music provides support to eligible Illinois not-for-profit organizations seeking to present Illinois performing artists, companies, 或团体表演, 合作, 或在演出期间短期驻留. This program can not be used to support events that are part of a regular series by organizations already receiving Program Grants in the discipline of Presenters. 




The 小型企业改善基金 (SBIF) provides grant funding for permanent building improvements and repairs across the city. Offered by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) to tenants and owners of industrial and commercial properties, SBIF拨款由全市指定的税收增量融资区(TIF)收入提供资金. 

Program participants can receive grants to cover between 30 percent and 90 percent of the cost of remodeling work, 最高资助额为150美元,商业地产为000美元,250美元,工业楼宇为000. 这笔拨款由SomerCor公司代表纽约市管理,无需偿还.

了解更多关于 资格要求 或注册参加即将于9月6日星期三举行的信息网络研讨会 here




